2023.3 - Quality of life updates!

Rhino Linux Team,

We are proud to announce the disk image release of Rhino Linux 2023.3. This disk image packs the latest and greatest changes we have made to Rhino Linux over this past month of development. Users already running Rhino Linux will already have these changes providing that their systems are kept up to date.

To upgrade to 2023.3 please run: rpk update -y

• Some changes to the Unicorn Desktop will require manual intervention, continue reading to learn more.

• You can say goodbye to hideous menu bars and hello to our gorgeous unified menu. Global menus have now been implemented into The Unicorn Desktop to bring a truly modern experience to you.To recieve this change you can run:

for i in "xfce4-panel.xml" "xsettings.xml"; do
  sudo cp /etc/skel/$dir_path/$i ~/$dir_path/$i

in your terminal. WARNING: This will replace your current panel configuration, if you have made any modifications.

• We have fixed a bug within the Unicorn Desktop that the plank dock is not consistent. This has now been solved but due to the current state of Plank, does require manual intervention when the user wishes to modify the position of their dock. The guide can be foundhere (opens in a new tab).

• uLauncher now starts faster.

• The Unicorn dock now has a subtle zoom when hovering over icons.

• A bug causing the wizard to require a password for rebooting the system has been resolved.

• Calamares now uses white text when things are selected.

• Timeshift now comes preinstalled.

• Kernel 6.5.5-generic ships by default on Generic ISO disk images.

• Kernel 6.6.0-rc3-okpine ships by default on Pine64 images.

• Kernel 6.5.0-raspi ships by default on Raspberry Pi images.

Rhino Linux Blog